Sunday, December 27, 2009

When you get your wisdom teeth cut out, do you really have to wait about 5 days to brush your teeth?

And also how long do you have to wait to be able to eat or drink anything? And how do you clean your wounds back there without hurting anything?When you get your wisdom teeth cut out, do you really have to wait about 5 days to brush your teeth?
This answer is at the Web MD site too.

Avoid rubbing the area with your tongue or touching it with your fingers.

Continue to brush your teeth and tongue carefully.When you get your wisdom teeth cut out, do you really have to wait about 5 days to brush your teeth?
different people are different -- my brother had a really bad time of it -- i had a horrible time getting them pulled out but was eating the day after.
Where did you get that information? After 24 hours after extraction, as long as there is no bleeding (if there still is call your DDS...asap!)you can brush your teeth. Just be careful not to brush extraction site, obviously. Your mouth and your teeth need to be clean to ensure that bacteria does not build up in the mouth. The first 24 hours after extraction do not eat hot,spicy or course foods. Do not drink hot liquids or alcohol, either, as it will loosen scabs and promote bleeding. No straws either, as it will loosen scab also. Eat soft foods...scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes. ice cream, etc. and that can be eaten when there is no obvious bleeding....4-8 hours after surgery. It depends on the individual, though.and if you are having a local anesthesia or a general one...which puts you to sleep during the surgery. Needless to say...good luck!
Of course not! Brush your teeth with CARE! Not over the extraction area, but everywhere else is fine. Do not rinse or spit the first 24 hrs, it causes more bleeding. After 24 hrs, you should be able to rinse with water, (no mouthwash right away, it's too abrasive).
If it's anything like when I had pieces of bone chiseled out of my jaw to remove all four of my wisdom teeth, you won't even think about brushing. I could barely open my mouth wide enough to fit a straw inside for a week.
No you should brush your teeth - BUT NOT YOUR INCISIONS. rinse with salt water, GENTELY -, and eating you can do - you just need to be mindful of chewing at the incision site - I would suggest soft foods - scrambled eggs , soup and Jell-O for a few days - mostly because it's easier to not slip up and chomp down on something hard in that tender area. Remember that foods too hat or cold may hurt too. when you have this done your dentist should give you very detailed instructions and also if over the counter meds are not enough he/she may prescribe something for the pain. Also some times dentists, depending on your individual situation, may prescribe antibiotics.

You'll be fine -

I had to have both my top ones cut out and the healing process wasn't as long or a bad as I'd though it would be.

We always seem to make ourselves more scared of the dentist than we need to be don't we..???

The one big thing though is DON'T SMOKE ! ! ! ! !

there is a condition called dry socket - that hurts like hell and the smoking and the sucking on cigs can cause this - go without them if you smoke because from what I have heard this is worse than an abscessed infected tooth....
I just brushed the front of my mouth for a while, maybe starting on the second day out. The eating part was kind of annoying... I wasn't eating normal food for over a week, I think, and I got really impatient! ;) BUT, it does give you an excuse to eat lots of ice cream and top ramen.

I wouldn't clean your wounds - leave them alone!! They'll do much better without fussing around them to open them up again.

Good luck! It's really okay. Your jaws prolly won't open very far for a while (I had trouble even getting spoon in :) but other than that, it is all right.
I brushed my teeth the next time I was awake, I was just very tender with it and didn't scrub.

I was drinking the next day and I ate soft foods w/in 2 days. It isn't as bad as people make it sound, but you do want to be tender with that area for a few days.
no u can brush ur teeth in fact u need to so u can cut down on the bacteria in ur mouth less risk of infection. Just dont brush back there okay
I brushed the first night w/o toothpaste and didn't brush the tooth next to the holes. The second day, I use a bit of toothpaste. I didn't use reg mouthwash until about 5 days later. I used the warm salt water rinse the surgeon recommended. A teaspoon to a large glass. I did this morning/night and after meals. Be gentle though. You don't want to dislodge the clot. Swish it around by moving your head and let it dribble out, no spitting.

I stuck to an all soft diet for the first 5 days. Jello, soup, mash potatoes, ice cream, oatmeal, and porridge. I built up to rice, soft tacos, and noodles. Fully back to my reg diet (meat) in about a week and a half. Keep up with the meds the doc gives and the pain isn't so bad. Good luck!
Just go home and brush where it was pulled vigorously right away. Waiting is for sissies.

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